
The Beauty of Acupuncture

Aroma Acupoint Therapy
Aroma Acupoint Therapy is a gentle, completely safe and yet profoundly effective treatment modality that utilizes the energetic potential locked within pure essential oils. Treatment involves placing particular oils on specific acupuncture points on the body in order to trigger energetic changes to bing the patient back to a state of balance. Aroma Acupoint Therapy uses an intentional combination of essential oils and acupuncture points, resulting in a more significant clinical effect than using the essential oils alone. This treatment can be combined with a treatment using needles or alone for those who are sensitive to needles.

Cupping Treatment
Cupping is a highly effective modality that is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The ancient art of cupping uses plastic or glass cups to suction an area on the body that has pain or on a muscle area that is in spasm. The suction of the cups pulls toxins, stagnant blood or a spasm out of the deeper muscle tissues to the surface. With the pulling of toxins and/or blood stagnation to the surface, fresh oxygenated blood comes into the area and relieves the blockage. Dark cupping circles indicate more toxin build up or blood stagnation in that area.

Wellness Consultation
In a private Consultation we discuss whatever health issues your are currently challenged with. We assess your daily food intake and nutrition, any current medications, supplements or herbal formulas you are taking, as well as exercise, sleep hygiene and any present sources of stress. Together we construct an approachable plan to address your immediate health challenges as well as ongoing strategies to be your healthiest self now and well into the future.

Community Acupuncture
This is a more affordable way to receive acupuncture, but in a group setting. There are many advantages to this besides being cost effective. Receiving any type of energy work in a group magnifies the positive effects of a treatment or intention. Everyone is focused on healing and the cumulative energy is beneficial for all. Each session of Community Acupuncture will have a different theme – Immune System Strengthening, Stress Relief, Hormone Balancing, etc. Additionally, I will have some supplement and herb suggestions for purchase, that are relevant to the theme of each Community Acupuncture evening.